needed to communicate verballyverbally,they would find a common language,which would probably be English6 Five of the largest broadcasters CBS,NBC,ABC,the BBC,and the CBC reach a potential audience of about;3 Stewart has developed a tendency to mix it verbally with the opposition斯图尔特现在变得只要和别人意见不合,就准备大吵一架4 The crowds had been soaked and were now nicely drying out这群人都浑身湿透;点数 dally 闲荡,嬉戏 rally 重新集合 really 真正地实在 sally 突击,出击,远足 tally 分数,计算,票据 usually 通常 verbally 语言上verbally的。
将来亦可透过口头协议作出议定颇有分别 verbally 是 adverb,不说 verbally agreement双方除了此同意书外 将来亦可透过口头协议作出议定 Other than the written agreement for both parties verbally agreement will also。
verbally that is, making love to the music means vibing to the beat at night with the whole city fast asleep, out cold true words seem to rise to the lips, take hold of a poet in me, most power;老师是在verbally你们记忆单词verbally的基础上考察你们的英语语言运用与表达能力,同时引导你们学习英语单词要尽量适应英文本身的解释,这样得出的结论更地道更纯正也更精准,所以不必很严格的把英语意思背下来,只要通俗化老师就会满意的一;让verbally我们来看看,英语是一种疯狂的语言在eggplant茄子里没有鸡蛋egg,在汉堡hamburger中也没有火腿ham,在菠萝pineapple中即没有苹果apple也没有松树pineEnglish muffin英氏松饼不是英国发明的,炸薯条French fries也不是;如果是同事同学朋友的骂,可以说He always picks on me, 或者he#39s always mean to me如果是老板或者家长的骂,可以说he#39s always criticizing me, or, he always criticizes me, or he#39s always hard on my。
小题1G小题1F小题1E小题1D小题1C 小题1从前面的问句Do you regularly get together to talk with your family about problems or the day’s events? 可知和家人交流很重要选G小题1这段的小标题;verbally 5v\bElI `vblI adv in spoken words, not in writing 口头上非书面形式binoxdictpl?verbally 牛津双解词典 verbally KK DJ ad1 言词上口头地。
一意思不同 “stressor”意思是n 紧张性刺激心理学“stress”意思是1n 压力强调紧张重要性重读 2vt 强调使紧张加压力于用重音读 3n Stress人名意斯特雷斯 “strain”意思;vacuum n真空真空吸尘器 vague a模糊的,含糊的 vain a徒劳的自负的 valid a有效的正当的 valley n山谷,溪谷流域 valuable a值钱的有价值的 value n价值价格 vt评价 van n大篷车,运。
I will batter you unrecognizable if you verbally abuse him11你肯定拍卖行认不出来Are you sure the auction house won#39t spot it?12疾病和年老使她变得叫人完全认不出来Illness and age had changed her;extension of meaning主语 is谓语 the name 宾语given to the widening of meaning which some words undergo这里的given to是修饰名词name的,the name give to的意思是某种现象被给予的名称,因为这个名称是人为;同意的英文agree agree 读法 英 #601#39ɡri#720 美 #601#39ɡri#720v 同意赞成承认符合一致 例句 1We agreed to leave at once我们同意立即离开2I, for my part, totally。