His most famous novel is the call of the wild Although it is a story about a dogbuckoff, Buckbuckoff, it vividly depicts the life in the primitive North where people rushed for gold and fortuneBuckbuckoff, used to。
Pearl Buck我们派传教士到中国去,好让中国人能够上天堂,但我们却不让他们进入我国 注意 反语是TOefL听力一贯的考察模式,由于要借助一定的发音特色,故在听题时,千万不要只理解句意本身,而忽视buckoff了语气语调等伟大的指示作用。
1她看见我肩上的那根毛就说如果你找别的女伴风流She picked a hair off my shoulder and says,quotlf you have an extra mating dance”2至少找一个毛的颜色相同的at least pick a femalewith the same。
开关导通开关导通+开关关闭 为占空比D,即 D=T_ONT 当Dlt1时,你可以根据电感两端能量守恒原理进行分析开关导通时电感存储的能量=开关断开时电感释放的能量,V_LON*I_ON*T_ON=V_LOFF*I_OFF*T_OFF。