monthly rollup和security only的区别?
monthly rollup:每月汇总。security only:仅在安全的条件下。
security only例句:
1.She said the Libyan government will ensure the team's security only in areas under its control.
2.If the purpose of the transaction is to transfer property for security only, then the courts will hold the transaction a pledge.
3.Ehud Olmert, the prime minister who launched the Gaza assault, has himself argued repeatedly that the Jewish state will live in peace and security only once an independent Palestinian state is born.
发动了此番加沙攻势的以色列总理艾胡德奥尔默特(ehud olmert)本人就多次强调过,只有在独立的巴勒斯坦国诞生后,由犹太人组成的国家才能最终在和平、安全的环境中生活。
4.If the system is transformed through ( W, M), then the security only rests in part on a NP-completeness problem ( Matrix Cover problem).
5.One can put the security measures only after establishing the authenticity of the user who is sending the messages. 只有在确立了发送消息的用户的真实性之后,才能够实施安全措施。
有just roll up a cigratte是什么歌?
这首歌是Alan Walker和Gavin James的《Tired》,这首歌的部分歌词如下:
Just roll up a cigarette
Just forget about this mess
Been waiting on the sidelines
From the sidelines
I see those tears in your eyes
And I feel so helpless inside
Oh love, there’s no need to hide
Just let me love you when your heart is tired
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