大家好,今天小编关注到一个比较有意思的话题,就是关于in the past的翻译问题,于是小编就整理了3个相关介绍in the past的解答,让我们一起看看吧。
in the past是什么意思?
in the past 英[in ðə pɑːst] 美[ɪn ði pæst] [词典] 在过去; 以往; 平昔; 往昔; [例句]We did an analysis of the way that government money has been spent in the past.我们分析了政府资金过去的使用情况。
in the past用于一般过去时。in the past的意思是“在过去”,所连用的时态有:
In the past he had to read by candlelight. 过去他只得在烛光下攻读。
I’ve been there many times in the past. 我从前去过那儿很多次。
He could remember events far back in the past. 他能记得很早以前的事情。
He will never forget his miserable childhood in the past. 他永远也忘不了自己过去的悲惨的童年。
这个短语写的令人费解,单词与单词之间没有空格,所以这个短语应该是:in the past,那么这个短语应该用在一般过去时的时态中。比如:We didn't have much money in the past.在过去我们没有许多钱。
假如在这个短语的后面加一个three years等类似的短语,就用现在完成时,比如:We have planted thousands of trees in the past three years.在过去的三年中我们已经种植了上千万棵树。
和现在完成时连用。如. Two thirds of the region has been deforested in the past decade. 在过去十年里这个地区的森林有三分之二被毁掉。. The way in which we work has undergone a complete transformation in the past decade. 在过去的十年里,我们的工作方式经历了彻底的变革。
Women have become more assertive in the past decade. 女性在过去十年中已变得更加自信。
in thepast用什么语态?
in the past 意思是再过去,它可以单独用,也可以后面再加时间,不同的搭配表达的语态不一样,一般可以表达主动与他和被动语态,例如,in the past,we often walk to work.再过去,我们通常走路去上班。
in the past five years,she has been seen to solve many problems.
到此,以上就是小编对于in the past的翻译问题就介绍到这了,希望介绍关于in the past的3点解答对大家有用。