quot Murderhomicide! Washroom homicidehomicide! Homicide!quotThe door behind Harry opened with panichomicide, he raised his head Snape rushed in, face He rudely pushed Harry aside, kneeling down to Malfoy, pulled out his wand。
among是一个英语单词,词性为介词,意思如下1在中间,在之中,在其中,在之间,处在中,里 2周围是,为所环绕,为所环抱 3之一 4与比较 5对来说 6。
criminals could kill an individual as easily as they had used a gunBy manipulating a computer, they could guide awesome tools of terror against large urban centersCities and nations could become hostagesHomicide could。
Homicide prohibited and punishable by law, such as murder or manslaughter杀人过失杀人等依法禁止并应处罚之杀人罪2 The act。