每天在拉法尔水疗中心工作, 接触到的问题,都和洗肠分不开。 不知道多少次了, creamer我要对无数多的人回答一个同样的问题:
“我照肠镜的时候,明明看到自己的大肠内壁很干净,负责操作肠镜的医生也告诉我,我的大肠很干净, 我也亲眼看到肠壁粉红色的肌肉了,光光滑滑,为什么还要洗肠creamer?”
特别是当我跟他们说洗肠每天都要洗,是一定要做的事情的时候, 你可以想见,听众的脑海里会有多么大的疑问!
我这里有很多医学资料,这些都是公开的医学资料, 是肠镜过程中的实况影像, 为了照顾到各位的感官感受,我就不在这里把它们放出来了。我要放在这篇文章后面的,是哈佛大学公共医学院更新发表的最新《肠镜准备指南》,这份指南是目前全世界医学界最权威的怎么样为成功做肠镜检查而做准备的标准,是肠道内科医生,肠镜操作技术人员和所有准备照肠镜人士的必备手册。
我们来看看这份指南是怎么说的:首先, 为肠镜做准备,就是一个“major inconvenience”, (巨大的不方便),平均要花16个小时,再加上做肠镜检查本身的平均3个多小时,最起码,你生命中的20个小时就没有了。这20个小时里干什么呢?不舒服,而且是特别不舒服!
第一,肠镜检查的几天前,你就要严格限制进食,而且不能吃纤维含量高的食物,也就是说,最好只吃白面糊糊,水果蔬菜就别吃了, 肉,就更不用想了。
第二,肠镜检查的前一天开始,只能流体进食,而且一定要是透明的流体, 还不能喝红色,蓝色或是紫色的液体,在我看来,最好就是只喝白开水了。
第三,肠镜检查前的至少两个小时之内,连白开水也别喝了,神马都不能往嘴巴里送!这已经够难受了吧,还没完,肠镜检查的至少前一天开始,就要喝泻药,不断喝泻药, 而且有专门的泻药,药效很强,需要医生开处方的。然后呢?坐在马桶上别下来,不停地拉稀,想停都停不住!这份指南里建议,你最好在最后一天开始喝泻药的时候,带着书报杂志,抱着电脑,进到厕所里别出来,因为你没办法出来!
Preparing for a colonoscopy
If you shudder at the thought of having a colonoscopy to check for hidden colon cancer, chances are it's the "prep" that's stoking your apprehension. It's certainly a major inconvenience: getting ready for the procedure takes much longer — an average of 16 hours, according to one study — than the three hours or so you'll spend at a medical center the day of your colonoscopy. But what's most off-putting is the purgative part: taking a powerful bowel-clearing substance and coping with the resulting diarrhea.
It's worth the hassle. Colonoscopy can spot small colon cancers while they are treatable and before they have spread to other parts of the body. It can also detect and remove polyps, small growths that can develop into colon cancer. Colon and rectal cancers (known together as colorectal cancers) are the third most common type of cancer in men and in women and the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States.
What's involved?
Emptying the contents of the colon is a key requirement for a successful colonoscopy. If the bowel prep isn't up to par, polyps and lesions can be missed; the colonoscopy may take longer (increasing the risk of complications); or the whole process may need to be repeated or rescheduled, meaning another round of bowel prep.
Different medical centers recommend different ways to prepare the bowel for a colonoscopy. There are two parts: diet and drinking bowel-cleaning liquids. Here are some of the main strategies.
A few days before the colonoscopy — Start a eating a low-fiber: no whole grains, nuts, seeds, dried fruit, or raw fruits or vegetables.
The day before the colonoscopy — Don't eat solid foods. Instead, consume only clear liquids like clear broth or bouillon, black coffee or tea, clear juice (apple, white grape), clear soft drinks or sports drinks, Jell-O, popsicles, etc.
The day of the colonoscopy — As on the previous day, clear liquid foods only. Don't eat or drink anything two hours before the procedure.
Bowel prep
The afternoon or evening before the colonoscopy, drink a liquid that will trigger bowel-clearing diarrhea. The exact instructions depend on the bowel prep your doctor prefers, the time of your colonoscopy, and any prior experience you've had with colon preps (if one didn't work before, you'll likely be prescribed a different one).
The preferred method is known as split dosing. You take half the prep the night before the procedure and the other half about six hours before it. It may clean the colon more thoroughly compared to taking all the prep the day before the procedure.
You can read about somecommon bowel preparations approved by the American Gastroenterological Association, American College of Gastroenterology, and American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. Contact your clinician to discuss the one that is best for you.
Tips for a successful colonoscopy prep
Preparing for a colonoscopy may be uncomfortable and time-consuming, but it needn't be an ordeal. Here are some things you can do to help it go as smoothly and comfortably as possible:
Make sure you receive your colonoscopy prep instructions well before your procedure date, and read them completely as soon as you get them. This is the time to call your clinician with any questions and to buy the bowel prep she or he has prescribed. Pick up some medicated wipes (for example, Tucks or adult wet wipes with aloe and vitamin E) and a skin-soothing product such as Vaseline or Desitin — you're going to be experiencing high-volume, high-velocity diarrhea.
Arrange for the time and privacy you need to complete the prep with as little stress as possible. Clear your schedule, and be at home on time to start your prep. If you have children or aging parents who need attention, have someone else be available to them while you're indisposed.
Water can get boring, so keep a variety of clear liquids on hand. On the day before your colonoscopy — when you're restricted to clear liquids — you can have popsicles, Jell-O, clear broth, coffee or tea (without milk or creamer), soft drinks, Italian ice, or Gatorade. But take nothing with red, blue, or purple dye. Drink extra liquids before, during, and after your bowel prep (usually until a few hours before your procedure), as well as after your colonoscopy.
To make a bad-tasting liquid prep like magnesium citrate easier to swallow, try one or more of the following if it doesn't come flavored: add some Crystal Light or Kool-Aid powder (again, not red, blue, or purple); add some ginger or lime; drink it chilled; drink it through a straw placed far back on your tongue; hold your nose and drink it as quickly as possible; quickly suck on a lemon slice after you finish each glass; hold a lemon or lime under your nose while you drink; suck on a hard candy after each glass.
Wear loose clothing, and stay near the bathroom. Better yet, once the preparation starts to work, stay in the bathroom — because when the urge hits, it's hard to hold back. Consider setting up shop near the toilet with music, your laptop, magazines, or books.
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