被聚合体绝缘层所覆盖3As I#39m writing thisglittery, a box covered in glitter is staring at me with an intense glitterygazeglittery我写这句话glittery的时候,眼神正凝视着一个亮闪闪的盒子glittery;The evening of the concert Mom wore glittery earrings and more makeup than I could remember Dad got out of work early, put on a suit and tie, and slicked down his hair with vitalis They were an hour early。
Pale mint green that looks like glittery light green foil when applied wet, and provides two hues of cheerful green sparkle when applied dry在气温逐渐增高的时候,撤掉隆冬热烈厚重的寝具,让薄荷绿和粉红粉紫;a tree covered with glittery candy, sides and door frame on the blackboard are covered with a variety of Christmas decorations, as well as the windows are hung on it a lot Garland just beautiful。
1、第二十章作业 Cumcubes这个词使你充满害怕吗?有人注意到你的cumbreath吗?祝贺你抵达你的20作业作为一种特殊的治疗,你的新任务就是要卖化妆品的部分的一个大的百货商店现在,sissygirl开始进行手淫也许你应该读所有。
2、第五章 a large balloon was swelling inside him形容他自己很开心 savage 动物凶猛的攻击 slug pellets 蛞蝓或者鼻涕虫杀虫药颗粒状mint humbugs 薄荷硬糖 bronze 青铜色的,青铜制的 Best be off 离开 draw himself。
3、amazing that the sunlight shines on the lake with glittery reflection There are also some temples and holy mountains of Buddha, and there are pandas which can be seen at some places参考资料英语牛人团。
4、finally holding that glittery 劳德内杯Regarding Man Utd, it is the hottest team this year fighting over tha champion Arsenal is also under the spotlight but in my opinion it is a immature team in lack o。
flickering star 忽明忽暗的星星天空有浮云glittery 晶亮的的星星晴空万里,发出炫丽的光芒scintillating star闪烁发光的星星亮度高sparkling star 闪耀的星星像火花一般闪烁twinkling star 一闪一闪的星星像人。
family impediments, fatal illness, a car crash and an abortion Interpretation here works as another glittery backdrop to make the show’s characters appealing It’s a mark of prestige。
The evening of the concert Mom wore glittery earrings and more makeup than I could remember Dad got out of work early, put on a suit and tie, and slicked down his hair with Vitalis They were ready an hour ear。
to miss me 就望一望天上那 Do look up 闪烁的繁星 at those glittery stars heavenly!有我寻觅你的 cozinside is my sight seeking for you 目光 imaginativeness 译留学语言学者顾琼雯。
glimmering star 微光闪烁的星星距离较远flickering star 忽明忽暗的星星天空有浮云glittery 晶亮的的星星晴空万里,发出炫丽的光芒scintillating star闪烁发光的星星亮度高sparkling star 闪耀的星星像火花一般。
刚刚出去一下,雪花已经从黑暗的空中落下,反射着灯光,闪闪发亮3As I#39m writing this, a box covered in glitter is staring at me with an intense glittery gaze我写这句话的时候,眼神正凝视着一个亮闪闪的盒。
Some were showily in bloom while others were sheepishly in bud, resembling glittery pearls, twinkly stars, or freshlybathed beauties Breezes continually delivered dainty fragrance much like faint music from a distant tower。