大家好,今天小编关注到一个比较有意思的话题,就是关于end of watch的翻译问题,于是小编就整理了2个相关介绍end of watch的解答,让我们一起看看吧。
求林肯公园歌曲enth e nd的歌词?
Hey yo when this first started off it was just Linkin ParkThen in the middle came Motion ManAnd at the end of it all it was Kutmasta Kut wit a remixOne thing I dont know whyIt doesnt even matter how hard you tryKeep that in mind I designed this rhyme when I was obsessed with timeAll I know, time was just slipping wayAnd I watched it count down till the end of the dayWatched it watch me and the words that I sayThe echo of the clock rhythm in my veinsI know that I didnt look out belowAnd I watched the time go right out the windowTrying to grab hold, trying not to watchI wasted it all on the hands of the clockBut in the end no matter what I pretendThe journey is more important than the end or the startAnd what it meant to me will eventually beA memory of the time when I tried so hardI tried so hardAnd got so farBut in the endIt doesnt even matterI had to fallTo lose it allBut in the endIt doesnt even matterYo one thing, one thing I dont know whyIt doesnt even ma
west end中文牌子叫是瓦斯针。
瓦斯针(威斯特,华时针),west end 瑞士品牌,创办于瑞士公司Droz Amstutz 在Bombay 创立了West End Watch公司。
该公司成立的目的是作为瑞士Jura 的Alcide Droz & Fils生产的手表的分销商,以及以West End品牌在印度出售。一九一七年, Montres West End SA在日内瓦成立,以向全球推进该品牌的市场营销。在接下来的几十年里,West End成长为一个卓越的瑞士制表品牌,为欧亚市场生产了成百万的腕表,销售区域从红海直到中国。二零零一年,该品牌被收购并搬迁到Leytron,位于 Valais的行政区,瑞士阿尔卑斯山脉的核心地带。为了纪念该品牌一百二十周年庆,West End Watch公司决定重新推出“Queen Anne”表的现代版。这款表的原版是在二十世纪头十年里开发出的,新的版本仍保持与原版一样纯净的线条和特点,特别是他弧形的表带和厚厚的斜角玻璃,这些玻璃如今采用防刮花的蓝宝石水晶材质。
到此,以上就是小编对于end of watch的翻译问题就介绍到这了,希望介绍关于end of watch的2点解答对大家有用。