大家好,今天小编关注到一个比较有意思的话题,就是关于at least的翻译问题,于是小编就整理了5个相关介绍at least的解答,让我们一起看看吧。
at least 意为至少,副词词性。用作状语。
例:At least i can do this for you.
the least 意为最少的。代词。用作主、宾。
例 :This is the least i can do for you.
例1中this是宾语。例2中the least是宾语。
at least和at times的区别?
at least的中文意思是至少它的反义词是at most用一个例句来解释at least . At least he knew right from wrong(至少他明辨是非);at times的中文意思是有时 偶尔,用一个英语句子来解释:Her attitude is imperious at times.(她的态度有时很专横)。平时学习时自己要多总结,这样就轻松很多。
at least等于什么短语?
at least等于短语no less than ,中文意思是“至少”
他老得很了—肯定至少有五十岁!He's ancient—he must be at least fifty!
至少他明白是非。At least he knew right from wrong.
这东西至少要花500元。It'll cost at least 500 dollars.
至少他们死时很幸福。At least they died happy.
At least在句中可以做什么成分?
at least 至少;最起码,经常在句子中状语,表示程度。例如:If you can't come over,you should at least ask for a leave in advance.如果你不能过来,你应该至少提前请个假。
1.It takes at least an hour to get home from work.下班回家至少得花一个小时。
2.They won't arrive for at least two hours yet.他们至少要过两个小时才能到。
3.Almost all homes have at least one TV set.差不多每家都至少有一台电视机。
4.He's ancient ─ he must be at least fifty!他老得很了——肯定至少有五十岁!
到此,以上就是小编对于at least的翻译问题就介绍到这了,希望介绍关于at least的5点解答对大家有用。