“尼罗河上的惨案”也得益于整体演员的表演maggiesmith,包括Bette Daviesmaggiesmith,值得信赖的Maggie Smith,Davie Niven,和扮演聪明的杰奎琳?德?贝尔福德的Mia FarrowPeter Ustinov第一次扮演赫尔克里?波洛,追随着Albert Finney的鞋子和小胡子Ustinov在“。
where Headmaster Dumbledore Richard Harris, Professor Snape Alan Rickman, Professor McGonagall Maggie Smith, and Hagrid the Giant Robbie Coltrane are joined by new faculty members Gilderoy Lockhart Ken。
Maggie Smith 饰演Professor McGonagall米勒娃麦格 Harry Potter中的书名 A Beginners’ Guide to Transfiguration 初学变形指南埃默瑞·斯威奇著 Curses and Countercurse 诅咒与反诅咒温迪克教授著 Fantastic Beasts and。