大家好,今天小编关注到一个比较有意思的话题,就是关于a brief description的翻译问题,于是小编就整理了2个相关介绍a brief description的解答,让我们一起看看吧。
answer the phone; to lift the telephone; to pick up the telephone; get on the phone;
Will you answer the telephone if it rings? 电话铃声响时请你接电话好吗?
He was too lazy to bestir himself even to answer the telephone. 他懒得甚至不愿接电话.
I telephoned, but nobody answered the telephone. 我打了电话,但没有人来接电话。
Smith was laughing up his sleeve when Joe answered the phone because he knew the call would be a joke. 乔接电话时,史密斯在偷笑,因为他知道那是一个开玩笑的电话。
He is in conference and cannot come to the telephone. 他在开会,没空来接电话。
Your name你的名字。
The company you are calling from 你的公司。
A brief description about why you are calling 简明扼要概述你为什么打电话。
A call to action 希望得到的回应(是回拨给你,还是预告下午你再打来,又或是希望得到邮件回复)。
A contact telephone number or e-mail 一个可联系的电话号码或者邮箱地址。
1. Yes, PET100-word English composition is possible.
2. The reason is that PET (Preliminary English Test) is an intermediate level English exam, which requires a certain level of English proficiency. With sufficient practice and preparation, it is achievable to write a 100-word English composition for the PET exam.
3. In order to write a successful PET100-word English composition, it is important to focus on the topic given, organize ideas effectively, use appropriate vocabulary and grammar, and express thoughts clearly. Additionally, practicing regularly and seeking feedback from teachers or native English speakers can greatly enhance writing skills for the PET exam.
到此,以上就是小编对于a brief description的翻译问题就介绍到这了,希望介绍关于a brief description的2点解答对大家有用。