2、China#39s national stadium quotbird#39s nestquotFinally, I want to introduce Chinese national stadium nest I think China 2008 should be the bird#39s nest, the most influential architecture here because of Olympic Games;创业公司名单包括著名的创业公司名称,如AlertMe或Nest,以及一些跨国公司,如飞利浦海尔或贝尔金可穿戴 就像智能家居一样,可穿戴设备仍然是潜在物联网的热门话题每年,全球消费者都在等待最新的苹果智能手表的发布除此;芬兰语onnistuminen,onni,myotakayminen第3个字母o的头上有两点第5个字母a的头上有两点第7个字母a的头上有两点,menestys,tuloksellinen,onnistunut,onnekas,menestyksellinen法语succès,réussi,fructueux,couronnédesuccès;beverage 饮料类 1milk n 牛奶 2coffee n 咖啡 3black coffee n 黑咖啡不加糖或奶的咖啡4tea n 茶 5black tea n 红茶注意是 “black” 不是 ”red” 喔6green t;Next to me下一个就轮到menest我I want to do with it for you我想替你解决原句有误,这里修改,请见谅;复杂句My dog, who would always wait me home after school everyday, likes to regard my jacket as her kennel How lovely she is!简单句的说法是My dog waits me home from school everyday and she loves;Now it is time to build nests Please help me make a nest现在应该搭窝了,请你帮我搭个窝好吧Make oneself a nest of cushions用垫子给自己做个安乐窝The bird gathered small sticks to make into a。
3、我的兴趣在您的声望的公司已经促使我提出我的简历与我的能力表示如下,并非常希望加入您的团队中,我申请的工作在这个领域正如我在恢复,我作为一个实习生在霍尼韦尔, Nestll和新西兰众议院国际教育咨询公司,在那里我获得;However,at home,my mother would never let me do anythingShe pletely deprived me of sharing her workAs soon as I opened a book to read,she would sit down beside me and ask me about all kinds of th;eg This allows the pair to mate properly and stops the hen staying in the nestbox这样可以使这对公鸡和母鸡正常交配,让母鸡不再呆在鸡窝里eg They want the males to mate with wild females。
4、作为一个对诺基亚有长期观察,也采访过前任CE0的人,谈一些局外看法 1诺基亚面临的最大麻烦可能还不是苹果,而是安卓诺基亚全球市场策略一直是在新兴市场提升占有率,在欧美市场赚取利润现在,安卓如果能降到千元以。
5、In a field one summer#39s day a Grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and singing to its heart#39s content An Ant passed by, bearing along with great toil an ear of corn he was taking to the nestquot;英语digging out their nests翻译成中文是“挖出它们的巢穴”重点词汇digging,dig的现在分词 一单词音标 dig单词发音英 d#618ɡ 美 d#618g二单词释义 v 挖掘翻土探究戳捅 n。