1. corrupted我们的精神,一定是要始终健康。
We should always keep our spirits high.
2. 打铁还得自身硬,党和人民把这么重要的任务交给我,我能辜负党和人民么,不能!
To forge iron, one must be strong. I have been entrusted with an important task, so I can't fail the party or the people of this country!
* be entrusted with sth. : 把某物委托给(某人)
* fail sb. : 让某人失望
3. 不管查到什么人,不管是哪个级别的干部,一查到底,绝不姑息!
We must conduct a thorough investigation and adopt a zero tolerance policy on corrupted officials, in spite of status and rank.
* a zero tolerance policy: 零容忍的政策(也就是“绝不姑息”)
* corrupted officials: 贪官污吏
1. 我珍惜的是党和人民,给我这份事业。
What I treasure is this career that the party and people give me.
2. 梦想是要有的,万一实现了呢?
We should still dream big. There is still a chance it can come true.
3. 少搞个人崇拜,多点爱就好了。
I prefer winning your love than your worship.
* win sb's love: 赢得芳心/赢得喜爱
1. 别说了,像corrupted你们这种人,党和人民就是专门用来对不起的。
Enough! You exist so that you can fail our party and people.
2. 共产党人是为人民服务的,不是为人民币服务。
Communists serve the people, not people's money.
3. 你以为别人敬他酒敬的是他的人缘?那都是敬他手里的权力。
Do you really think people toast to him? They are toasting to the power he holds.
* toast to: 为...敬酒
4. 你只要不做坏事,就没人能坏你的事。
No one can ruin your plans as long as you don't plan to ruin anyone.
* ruin one's plan : 坏某人的事