"aax, haaix nyungc"
"oh, what is it "
"aec, duqv nyei "
okay; alright
"aeqc, dongh naaic"
"yes, that's correct or that's right "
"aih, haeqv yie"
"oh, it's terrified scare me "
"aih, mv zeiz lorqc"
"uh ah, it's incorrect "
"ba’zi, ba’ziaax"
"incompletely done, do one and left one"
"cien bungh, cien zouv"
member of the same clan
"guai yietc seix, hngongx yietc sih"
a lifetime of smart can be interrupted by moments of stupidity
"guv touh, guv nauv"
"(to utter, do) all of a sudden, abruptly or inexplicably; illogic; do or go on without break or rest"
"hanc yiemh, hanc liouc"
be with one’s perspiration and wet
"hmv, zueix gau"
hey! something so stink
"hmx, seix gaax!"
"hey, let’s try it, serve you good"
"hnaax, haaix nyungc"
what or what is it; what did (you say)
"hnungh hnui, hnungh hnui"
short breath
"kauv jien, kauv zeqv"
to take examine or study for official
"laa fei, laa fangv"
badly torn and scattered around
"laa fei, laa feqv"
badly torn as old clothes
"laa korng, laa kaix"
emaciated; skinned; bony; very thin
"laa laa, ciev ciev"
to pull and drag
"lux lux, sux sux"
continuous; to repeat very often or very frequent
"maah linh, maah louc"
"maah linh, maah louc"
connected together
"maah linh, maah louc"
"meic fei, meic fangv"
(literally) without giving thought
"Meiv guoqv, guoqv wuic"
American congress or legislature
"mh, hnangv nor maah"
OK (I) agree with (you) about that way
"mx, haaix nyungc"
"yes, what is it or what did you say"
"naeh, zorqv maah"
here! catch it
"nyiemv baeqc ziangh zeiz, jietv baeqc ziangh zeiz"
to be at a loss whether to cry or to laugh; to find oneself in a very embarrassing situation or to be faced at once troublesome and ludicrous; between tears and laughter
"nzoic tin, nzoic deic"
to pile thing with careless manner
"o, hnangv nor"
"oh, it’s like that way or it’s that correct"
"o, zeiz nyei lorqc"
"oh, yes, that’s right or that’s correct"
"oeix, haaix nyungc"
"yes, what is it; what did you say"
"oh, jangx zuqc aqv"
"oh, (I) remember now or I recall mind now"
"oh, zeiz nyei"
"oh, yes it is correct"
"ov, meih daaih orqc"
"oh, I’m glad you’re come"
"ox, hnangv nor"
"yes, like that way"
"ox, mv zei weqv"
"yes, that’s right or that’s correct"
"oz, yie haiz aqv"
"okay, I heard what you just said"
"oz, yie hiuv aqv"
"okay, I understand or I know"