run over和run down是什么意思?
1.在…上驶过;(撞倒后)辗过: Aboywasrunoverbyatruckandgotkilledimmediately. 一个男孩被一辆卡车从身上压过去,当即死亡。
2.溢出: Thewaterisrunningovertheedgeofthebathtub. 水从澡盆的边缘溢出。
3.超过: Wetryourbesttolimitourexpendituretotheoriginalsum,butwemayrunoverbyafewpounds. 我们尽量把开销限制在原定的数目之内,但可能会超出几镑。
4.(使)在…上掠过;迅速浏览,扫视: Theteacherranoverhisnotesbeforethelecture. 教师在讲课前先看一眼讲稿。
5.复习;排练: Shewillrunoverherlinesintheevening. 她将在晚上排练一次她的台词。 rundown 1.往下跑: Don'trundownthestairs.Justwalkdownslowly. 下楼梯时别跑,慢慢走下去。 2.往下流: Allriversrundowntothesea. 条条河水向下流入大海。 3.停止运转;停产;耗尽: Thebatteryinmycarrandownthisevening. 我的汽车里的蓄电池今天晚上用完了。 Mywatchhasrundown. 我的表停了。 4.(健康)衰退;虚弱: Hisfatheristerriblyrundownandisunfitforworkrightnow. 他的父亲非常虚弱,不适于立刻就上班。
(1)run in the family:if something such as quality, disease or skill runs in the family, many people in that family have it某种品质、疾病、技能等在家族中遗传,是家族特征
例如:Diabetes appears to run in families.
(2)run a mile:to try very hard to avoid a particular situation or person because you do not want to deal with尽量避而远之,躲得远远的
例如:If someone asked me to marry them I'd probably run a mile.
(3)run a red light:to drive quickly through a red traffic light instead of stopping闯红灯
(4)run drugs/guns:To bring drugs or guns into a country illegally in order to sell them走私毒品/枪支