大家好,今天小编关注到一个比较有意思的话题,就是关于get back的翻译问题,于是小编就整理了3个相关介绍get back的解答,让我们一起看看吧。
come back与get back有什么区别?
come back释义:
"Come back!" he called after me.
stage a comeback卷土重来;东山再起;再度走红
get back释义:
I really need to get back in form.
get over和get back区别?
"Get over"和"get back"都是英语中的短语动词,但它们的意义和用法不同。
1. Get over:意为“克服、度过、恢复”,常用来指从某种困难、挫折或失望中恢复过来。例如:
- I finally got over my fear of heights and went skydiving.(我终于克服了我对高处的恐惧,去跳伞了。)
- It took her some time to get over the breakup.(她花了一些时间才从这次分手中恢复过来。)
2. Get back:意为“回来、返回”,常用于表示重新回到某个地方、状态或活动中。例如:
- I need to get back to work after my lunch break.(午餐休息后,我需要回去继续工作。)
- She got back home late last night.(她昨晚很晚才回到家。)
需要注意的是,"get back"也可以表示“恢复、收回、拿回”的意思,具体含义取决于上下文。例如:
- I need to get my book back from him.(我需要从他那里拿回我的书。)
- The company is hoping to get back on track after the financial setback.(公司希望在经济挫折后重新恢复正轨。)
总结:"Get over"指的是从困难中恢复,而"get back"则表示回到某个地方、状态或重新开始进行某个活动。
"Get over"和"get back"是两个常用的短语,它们有不同的意思和用法。"Get over"意味着克服或恢复,通常用于描述从困难、失望或悲伤中恢复过来。它可以指身体或情绪上的恢复。例如,当你失恋后,你需要时间来克服心痛并恢复过来。
而"get back"意味着回到某个地方或状态,通常用于描述返回到之前的位置、状态或活动中。
总之,"get over"强调克服和恢复,而"get back"强调返回和恢复之前的状态。
get back造句简单?
get back
1.return to one's starting point 回来;返回原地*I expect my wife to get back at about eight tonight.我盼望我妻子今晚8点回来。*She got back home dead tired.她回到家里累得要命。
2.regain 取回;收回*Stop worrying about the money you lent him. You'll get it back.不要担心借给他的钱,你会收回的。*I am unwilling to lend books,be cause it's so difficult to get them back.我不愿借书出去,因为索还是太难了。*You can't get back your youth once it's gone.青春一去不复返。
3.go to a reasonable,sensible distance;stand away 让开;闪开;后退*The police had great difficulty in making the curious crowd get back and let the ambulance through. 警察费了很大的劲才使那些好奇的人群让开,使救护车开过去。*Get back! The wall is collapsing.闪开!墙要倒了。
4.return sth. or sb.to its or his place 使某物或某人回到原处;还回;送回*He took the spring out of the clock,but now he can't get it back.他把钟里的发条拿了出来,但现在放不进去了。*If you take my son out for a drive, you must promise to get him back before
5.如果你要开车带我儿子出去玩,你得答应5点之前把他送回来。*I got the book back before he noticed it was missing.我把书及时还了回去,免得他以为书丢了。
到此,以上就是小编对于get back的翻译问题就介绍到这了,希望介绍关于get back的3点解答对大家有用。